Monday, September 29, 2008

Is Jesus sexual?

Is Jesus sexual? Was he sexual in his brief life? How can He identify with us sexual creatures if He sublimated his sexuality so much that He just never needed an outlet for sex? His supposed celibacy puzzles me. How many people just don't identify with Jesus because He apparently didn't need sex?

Look at the damage to the Catholic Church as a result of imposing celibacy on its priests. Some priests need a sexual outlet and the easiest targets, unfortunately, have been the weakest and most vulnerable and most defenseless -- children. (I was once a sexual target of a priest in my 20's after exiting the Moonies, on the street. I avoided his advances.)

Catholics got their idea of strict sexual restraint from Jesus' supposed celibacy. "Follow me," Jesus said, and the Catholic leaders interpreted His words to mean be celibate as Jesus maybe was. The problem is, celibacy needs to be a personal choice, not a rule imposed from the outside.

If we are made in the image of God, and since we are all sexual, is God also sexual? If you are a literalist, the Bible describes God (Ezekiel 1, Revelation 1) in appearance as a man. Why would God be very much like us in so many ways (emotions, thinking, anatomy) -- except sexually? Sex is so pleasant, why wouldn't God enjoy it as well?

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